Zimbabwe Mana River Camp Wildlife Sightings June 2024

Winter has arrived, and the temperatures have cooled down. However, it is a decidedly warmer winter than the previous years at Mana River Camp. That has to be one of the reasons why it is also very dry. The warm dry weather has allowed us to see elephants at the longer-lasting watering holes near camp.

A Rare Family Outing

On a fantastic afternoon game drive, our guide Pierce and his guests found an astounding amount of impalas in Mana Pools. After enjoying the sighting of them grazing, we continued until we saw a pride of lions lazing about on an ant hill. We saw four females and two males sleeping atop a giant ant hill. What a great way to wind down the day’s adventures!

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Puppy’s First Day At School

Towards the end of the month, our guide Simeon and his guests saw one of the rarest African wild dog sightings. It was on an afternoon drive when we came across a pack of nine adult wild dogs and five puppies.

We were amazed to see the interaction between the adults and the puppies. We were even treated to seeing the pups starting to learn how to hunt. This is something we will always remember.

Boswell’s Back

Since the start of the dry season, our resident elephant Boswell has not appeared on the floodplains like he usually does. Instead, he was spotted more towards the wilderness area on the Zambian side of the border.

However, on one of the last days of June, Boswell made his triumphant return to Mana River Camp, doing all his usual tricks of standing on his hind legs to grab the soft branches off the tops of the acacia trees.

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Until next time, 
Mana River Camp