Verney’s Camp Wildlife Sightings July 2024

Winter may be winding down at Verneys Camp, but the mornings and evenings are still chilly. Middays, however, are much better, with some of our guests even hopping in the pool to cool down. Most of the trees have started shedding their leaves, making July a great month to spot game in the bush.

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A Cause For Celebration

Early in July, one of our guides took his guests to our airstrip to take a flight. As they drove past the Verneys Pan, they noticed a herd of elephants surrounding a single cow elephant. The elephants were growling, and as they got closer to the scene, they realised that the cow was giving birth.

This was a fantastic sighting that everyone managed to see from a safe distance. Once the calf had arrived, it struggled to get its balance and stand upright, but thanks to its mother, it got the help it needed to stand up. When it managed to gain its footing, the herd trumpeted in celebration, welcoming a new member to the family. 

Space Enough For All Of Us

There have been a fair amount of elephant sightings this month on the pan, but nothing compared to what we saw at Verneys Camp. On one particular day, elephants were coming from all directions but mainly through the camp. They were not bothered by the presence of our guests or staff and causally drank from the pan.

They dust-bathed and relaxed next to our lounge area and some of the guests’ tents. This close encounter with elephants was an unforgettable memory for guests and many of us here at Verneys. 

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Lucky Us

Legend says that hyenas are a sign of luck when going on a safari. Legend also says that we love to tell our guests this fun bit of folklore. Little did we know that hyenas were coming to drink water at a nearby watering hole.

The large clan of hyenas surrounded our vehicle, letting their curiosity guide them around the 4x4 and sniff at the bumpers and tyres.  Another amazing sighting. 


The Stars Aligned

During the month, one of our guides noticed some lion tracks while on a safari with some guests. Seeing this, he asked them if they would like to track these magnificent animals of foot, to which the group agreed. It was a hot day, so their expert guide knew lions would be lounging somewhere in some shade. They climbed out of their vehicle and headed out in search of the lions, finding them sleeping not long after they had started their walking safari.

The conditions were perfect; the wind and the timing of their arrival made sure the guests could see the lions sleeping for a considerable amount of time before the wind direction changed. Once that happened, the lions picked up their scent and started watching them back. Luckily, our guide kept everyone at a safe enough distance to where the lions did not even bother coming closer.  As time went on, the females of the pride moved somewhere secluded while two males stood guard.

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New Kids On The Plains

Lions can be frequently spotted within the Verneys Camp concession, as there are two well-known prides in the area. However, a new pride was forming and looking to gain territory of their own at Manga Vlei. We found and watched as these new pride’s females acted strangely, not knowing that they were preparing for a hunt.

Zebras started approaching from the forest and coming towards our vehicle, but also into the lions’ trap. Unfortunately, a young adult zebra was taken down right in front of our vehicle. This was one of the most exciting sightings of the entire month!

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Until next time,
Verneys Camp