Ngoma Safari Lodge Wildlife Stories June 2022
The month of June at Ngoma Safari Lodge has been full of chilly mornings and lovely sunny, warm days. A highlight this month was welcoming the zebra herds from the Savuti area. They are leaving the drier areas for the Chobe floodplains in search of the lush green grass that the receding waters leave behind.

A Rare Pangolin Sighting
How fortunate we were to come across a pangolin while out on a drive with guests. For our guests, it was a once-in-a-lifetime encounter as many had never heard of a pangolin before. For our guide Tebby, it was only his second-ever sighting. What is a pangolin you ask? Pangolins are insect-eating mammals covered in overlapping scales that are on the endangered animal list. The guide was so happy to be able to share with the guests all the fascinating details of this creature from their conservation status to their interesting behaviour.
Dinner Date With The Hyenas
Our guests were excited to witness the captivating sight of hyenas feeding on a Cape buffalo carcass. The buffalo had been killed by lions and the hyenas were now finishing it off. We had the great opportunity to inform our guests about the important role that hyenas play in the ecosystem. Although seeing hyenas in Chobe is common, seeing them feeding in this way is quite rare. What a great encounter.
Lions On A Kill
While out on a drive we discovered a fresh lion kill. The pride was busy feeding and along with that came loud growling and grunts and bad tempers. The limited space around the kill meant there was loads of in-fighting. Two black-backed jackals were waiting patiently on the periphery, hoping for a chance to steal a bite. Our guests were over the moon to watch this lion behaviour having only ever seen them sleeping under bushes on a previous safari.
Our Sneaky Small-Spotted Genets
We have a lovely family of small-spotted genets that visit the lodge almost every day. The mother and her three young kittens love trying to steal snacks from the bar.

This month was filled with exceptional animal encounters, chilly mornings and some fun birthday celebrations. With so much fun to be had, we cannot wait to see what July brings us!
Till next time,
Guide at Ngoma Safari Lodge