Gomoti Camp Wildlife Stories April 2022
The month of May has been full of hot days and cold nights with loads of fun evenings spent around the fire. As the rains begin to dissipate the lush green bush is slowly changing colour to the dusty brown hues of winter.

Animal Encounters From The Sky
When the opportunity presents itself to join guests on a helicopter trip, the answer is always, “Yes!". We left camp in the early morning light and what a sight it was from that altitude. Being able to see the waterways and all their branch-like tributaries was breathtaking.
Watching the different ways animals react to the helicopter was also fascinating. Some ran while others, like the stubborn elephants, stood their ground. Best of all were the giraffes who stared up at us in disbelief that anything could be taller than them.

A New Dynasty Begins
The three young males who have recently overthrown Nagmerrie may have missed out on their chance to continue their gene pool. We have recently sighted two new males from the north in the area.
These males are a lot older and more experienced than our three young kings. After a long and gruelling fight between the two groups, it seems that age and experience won over youth.
Our three young Kings have been kicked out of the territory and the two new males have been seen mating with the females, securing their space in the pride, for now.

Hungry, Hungry Hippos
With the arrival of the flood waters filling the river in front of the camp, the hippos have begun to feed on the delicious river grasses. Many of our guests have commented that the usually quiet nights are now filled with the wonderful sound of hippos feeding.

The Flourishing Next Generation
There must be something in the water here. Our little lion and cheetah cubs as well as the wild dog pups are the most adorable we have ever seen. The mothers raising these young ones are doing a superb job.
The lion cubs are getting nice and big, the cheetah cubs are learning to hunt with mom and the wild dog pups have been spotted playing with the adults.

What a Hoot!
Our population of owls that live around camp are such a blessing. They not only keep the rodent population in check with their incredible and silent hunting skills but also fill our nights with their beautiful hoots and hoo’s.

As we move into the middle of winter, the days and nights are beginning to get very cold and the rains are dissipating but this brings all new changes to the bush that we are so looking forward to.
Until next time,
Ponche Whelpton
General Manager, Gomoti Plains Camp

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