Sightings March 2020
March at Verney’s Camp was a wonderful celebration of births and we are happy to report that many of the new calves are doing well and have stayed safe from predators.
We have had good rains and most of our waterholes are just about full so the birdlife is incredible. Most of the plains game roams along the vlei in front of camp where there is an abundance of fresh green grass. This is a safe area for them where they can see predator’s from a distance.

Our trio of resident lionesses gave us quite a show when they stalked a zebra recently. Although the ensuing chase was exhilarating, luck was not on their side and the big cats gave up. Two resident male lions have also been seen roaming around in our concession quite frequently.

A journey of more than 30-giraffe was seen several times which makes Verney’s Camp the home-base for our tallest land mammals.
Elephants have already started flocking to the waterhole as the sun sets and go on to make quite a bit of noise at night. Most nights there is always a conflict between hyenas and elephants with the hyena’s trying to get at the baby elephants.

We end our month by being grateful that nature has been so good to us. The animals, the sunsets and the views, everything is so green and full of life
Take care until next time,
Your friends at Verney’s Camp

Wildlife Sightings Reports
Read our March wildlife sightings report for Machaba Camp here.
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