Wildlife Sightings May 2020
Winter has gently arrived at Gomoti Plains Camp. The rain has gradually stopped and the nights are getting cooler. However, our daytime temperatures remain warm and sunny.
This year’s flooding was pretty special due to last year’s droughts and the Gomoti River has an abundance of water magically flowing into the surrounding channels, including the river channel in front of our beautiful camp.
We have lost count of the wonderful times the river channel has offered memorable wildlife sightings and picturesque landscapes for our guests to enjoy.

The month of May has offered us the opportunity to experience many magical sunsets and charismatic giraffes seem to use the opportunity to pose for picture-perfect photos.
At the beginning of the month, as the sun was downing on the horizon, a solitary gorgeous young female leopard made an appearance crossing the open area toward the flood plains to get a fresh drink of water.

Lion sightings have also been incredible and three of our resident prides have been seen on numerous occasions. One afternoon, we surprised two lionesses and their cubs feasting on a zebra carcass.
Although their bellies were completely full, they did not hesitate for a second to protect the carcass when a large herd of elephants approached the site.
Okavango’s birdlife is as beautiful as always and we have had the pleasure of observing many crimson-breasted shrikes flashing bright red colour through the slowly dampening bush. Endangered grey crowned cranes, secretary birds and a tiny African Scops owl also made our birding list this month.

Our most exciting sighting for the month of May was a pair of white rhinos and their calf. It filled our souls with joy to witness such majestic creatures in their natural habitat and we were reminded of our gigantic task to preserve these critically endangered species.
Best wishes from Ari and the Gomoti Family – hope to see you soon in the bush.

Gomoti Plains
Eco-luxurious comfort in an area that is alive with superb land and water-based game-viewing opportunities.
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