Verney’s Camp Wildlife Sightings April 2024

The abundance  of rain in April filled the natural pans in the concession with water, and the landscape has suddenly turned green. The sky has been nicely decorated by cumulonimbus clouds, and temperatures are starting to drop at night, signalling that winter is around the corner.

Machab Safaris Zimbabwe Verneys Camp  Elephant

Hyenas vs Vultures

The plan was to find lions, and the search began. Mid-morning, the team spotted vultures perched on a tree, prompting us to investigate further, hoping it was lions on a kill. It didn’t take us long before the vultures led us to an elephant carcass.

The elephant had died of natural causes, and hyenas were feasting on it. As we approached, they scattered, leaving the vultures to dive into the carcass in huge numbers. Action ensued as the hyenas decided to return and dominate the feast. The vultures stood their ground and never gave the hyenas a chance. Some were pecking at the hyenas' feet, while others created a barrier with their wings while charging towards them.

Machab Safaris Zimbabwe Verneys Hyena

Loads Of Giraffes

It had been a quiet morning, with game scarce and the wind nippy. Our attention turned to birds when we approached an open area and found a huge herd of giraffes and zebras. Typically, giraffes in the concession are found in small herds, but on that particular day, we saw a herd of about thirty, composed of all sizes and genders. They moved alongside a large dazzle of zebras, providing guests with a great opportunity to capture beautiful pictures.

Machab Safaris Zimbabwe Verneys Giraffe

Finding A Hyena Den

Most of the animals had been spotted during the drive, and all the guests were eager to see the spotted hyenas. Verneys Camp was the solution, as these cunning dogs are known to drink at the waterhole in front. The plan was to search at night, as they are nocturnal.

Little did we realise they were denning. On the last morning, everyone was thrilled after finding a den with two small cubs. Lots of pictures were taken, and big smiles were present on the guests' faces as they enjoyed watching the cubs in the den.


"Mind the branches" is a constant chorus sung by the guides. One very branch was hanging over the road, and a boomslang was patiently resting there, possibly wanting to take advantage of unaware birds. We passed under it safely and admired its striking green colour.

From witnessing the power struggle between hyenas and vultures to marvelling at the majestic herds of giraffes and zebras, every moment was a testament to the beauty of nature. As the winter season approaches, the landscape transforms with lush greenery, offering new opportunities for exploration and discovery.

Until next time,
Verney's Camp