Deteema Springs Wildlife Stories March 2024

The summer rainfall ended sooner than expected and ushered in the dry season earlier this year, resulting in an abundance of game appearing around our springs at Deteema. As the evenings become cooler, our campfires are becoming the more popular spot to enjoy a refreshing beverage before dinner. 

Jemma Wild

The Not-So-Shy Leopard

During a short game drive near camp at sunset,  the sound of impalas making an alarm call caught the attention of our expert guide.

A leopard, magnificent in his grace, walked across the road and settled at a natural pan to drink. For an animal associated with the words shy and elusive, this leopard looked very comfortable so we stayed a while longer and watched. 

Cause for Celebration

We often get to experience watching wildlife from camp on what we call an Armchair safari. We were doing just that as a herd of Tsetsebe made their way to camp. 

We have never seen Tsetsebe around camp so their arrival made for quite the celebration. Since then, they have been spending more and more time around camp, much to our delight!

Little Surprise

A pride of 12 lions has returned to the region and we suspect there are more to follow.

During the midday heat, the lions have taken to finding refuge under the raised wooden decking Deteema Springs is built upon, giving them the ultimate shaded spot. It is entertaining to watch the cubs under the deck from our elevated position. 

As the rising sun breaks the morning chill, we’re off on game drives every morning to explore the vast plains of Hwange National Park. This month has been full of surprises, we cannot wait to see what next month holds. 

Until next time,
Deteema Springs