Sightings August 2019
Amazing month in terms of animal viewing in Gomoti. The dryness of the flood plains has obviously affected our game viewing positively. Herds of animals are attracted to the new shoots of grass in floods plains as they recover from the fires that ravaged our area a few weeks ago.
General game such zebras, impala and wildebeast are seen in big herds on the flood plains.
Lions have been amazing during the month with a lion sighting almost every other day. One of the most interesting sightings was of a pregnant lioness who took down a fully-grown giraffe on her own.
Another amazing sighting was of a lioness feeding on a dead hippo with her almost 6 months old cubs.
As if this month could be called a baby lion season another lioness has been spotted a few times with 4 cubs of just about 2 months.
A mating per of lions also kept us entertained for a few days.
Our guests also watched lions crossing the river from the safety of their mokoro on of our mokoro activities. Something that one does not see regularly.
A male lion was also spotted on a buffalo kill. He fed on the big beast for 3 days.
We had an incredible sighting of a female leopard with 2 cubs on an impala kill. The 3 kept our guests entertained for 2 days.
2 leopards were also spotted mating not too far from our camp.
This month could also be labelled Big 5 Month. Most of our guests have seen all the 5s including rhinos. 3 male rhinos have been seen on the airstrip road a few times.
Huge herds of buffalo roam the flood plain. Herds big as almost 1000 strong are regular on our activities.
Game viewing keeps on getting better as the Okavango warms up. More and more animals frequent the only exciting water bodies.
From the Gomoti family. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
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